The KID FIRST (Family Intervention Response & Support Team) Program is an in-home family preservation program focusing on assisting families in crisis. Serving families for an average of 3-4 months, family support counselors meet with each family on a weekly basis to teach parenting skills and provide case management and crisis intervention.
Please call 954-390-7654 ext. 1309
Kinship Support Services are provided throughout Broward County to extended family members or friends who have taken on the care and custody of someone else’s child. Many of these family members and friends were either given or took responsibility of the children with little notice and have limited financial or support resources. Since many do not have legal custodial rights, their ability to access medical care, public benefits, social services, childcare, legal aid, and other information essential to the well-being of the children is limited.
Please call: 954-390-7654
Please email:
KID HomeBuilders
KID HOMEBUILDERS® is an internationally recognized evidence-based program designed to strengthen families in order to prevent out-of-home child placements. KID HOMEBUILDERS® families have children in imminent danger of removal due to child abuse, neglect, family conflict, juvenile delinquency, or other factors. Due to its intensive nature, KID HOMEBUILDERS® serves a maximum of 90 families annually.
All families must be referred by Broward Sheriff’s Office Child Protective Services.
Healthy Families
KID Healthy Families is a community-based voluntary home visiting program with the goal of promoting positive parent/child interaction and healthy child development while reducing the occurrence of abuse. Modeled after the highly successful National Healthy Families Initiative, services are offered during pregnancy and to families with children up to 5 years old.
Referrals can be made by calling (954) 390-7654, x1281
Healthy Start
KID Healthy Start provides expectant mothers and women with children up to age 3 with the resources, support, and education they need to ensure the health and well-being of their children. This program also provides counseling to at-risk clients with the goals of reducing infant mortality, disease, low birth weight, and pre-term birth while improving pregnancy and child development.
Referrals can be made by calling (954) 390-7654, x1131